
Thanks all for your participation





The poster session informations can be found in the document : poster_v2.pdf

Position of the school  :

Nonlinear optics is a theme that emerged initially in optical fibers during the 1970s in the context of optical telecommunications, then more recently in integrated photonic structures. In both cases, the study of non-linear optical effects allows both to explore innovative fundamental concepts but also opens up many application perspectives, in the field of telecommunications, spectroscopy, sensors, etc.

Basically, the same optical concepts govern the nonlinear dynamics observed in fibers and in integrated photonic structures, whereas these two fields were initially linked to distinct scientific communities. The GDR ELiOS was thus created in 2020 with the aim of structuring the French community in the field of non-linear optics, and it is in this scope that this thematic school is placed.


Aim and organisation of the school

The organization of the school corresponds to a training need, in an interdisciplinary field, which is at the interface between 2 distinct scientific communities, but which uses physical principles and common tools.

The course program is structured around 6 themes listed below :

1.                Basics of non-linear optics

2.                Photonic integrated platforms and optical fibers

3.                Supercontinuum sources: Fiber and waveguides

4.                Frequency conversion, frequency comb generation

5.                Lasers (fiber, integrated, near-IR, mid-IR, mode-locked, pulsed…)

6.                Applications: biophotonics, metrology, sensing, telecom, quantum optics,


Pratical informations

All courses will be in English to accommodate a wide audience.

Poster sessions will be organized so that participants can present their work and to encourage exchanges between speakers and participants.

An industrial session will also be planned.

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